Calculating the elapsed time since current Brahma's creation. Yugas, Mahayugas,
Calculating the elapsed time since current Brahma's creation Edit 432 000 × 10 × 1000 × 2 = 8.64 billion years (2 Kalpa (day and night)) 8.64 × 10 9 × 30 × 12 = 3.1104 trillion years (1 year of Brahma) 3.1104 × 10 12 × 50 = 155.52 trillion years (50 years of Brahma) (6 × 71 × 4 320 000 ) + 7 × 1.728 × 10 6 = 1 852 416 000 years elapsed in first 6 Manvataras, and Sandhi Kalas in the current Kalpa 27 × 4 320 000 = 116 640 000 years elapsed in first 27 Mahayugas of the current Manvantara 1.728 × 10 6 + 1.296 × 10 6 + 864 000 = 3 888 000 years elapsed in current Mahayuga 3102 + 2019 = 5121 years elapsed in current Kaliyuga. So the total time elapsed since current Brahma is 155 520 000 000 000 + 1 852 416 000 + 116 640 000 + 3 888 000 + 5119 = 155 521 972 949 120 years (one hundred fifty-five trillion, five hundred twenty-one bi...